Ketchup Clouds is a book that I was super excited for when it first came out, then promptly forgot about it. Then recently rediscovered it and got super excited again! Nearly a decade after its release, I've finally read it and know Zoe's secret! I flew through it because I just had to know what happened between her, Max, and Aaron which resulted in one of the brothers dying.
Zoe (not her real name) slowly reveals what went on with her and the boys over the course of the year she knew them in letters to a Death Row inmate. She feels guilty, but not guilty enough to turn herself in, but she needs to get the truth off her chest. Who better to understand than a man who murdered his wife? Well, about two-thirds in, I started having doubts about Ketchup Clouds. Zoe was taking way too long to get to the point and kept dancing around the issue. It made me suspicious that this was not heading in the direction I thought it was. There's no huge twist. No big ending. It's quite subtle. I enjoyed the suspense of it all, but the ending was a bit disappointing. But Zoe does repeatedly say that life doesn't have a grand build up...