Written on Mar 26, 2016
This book was a whirlwind from start to finish. So much ends up happening in this one from almost breakups, miscommunication issues, family disagreements and potential cheating happening. I really ended up liking this book surprisingly. I know I’ve had mixed review for the previous three due to my dislike for certain characters and how certain situations were handled. But I do feel like this one was a good ending to the series.
I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to give anything away, but yes two of the girls do end up getting married. While I did feel like one of the marriages was rushed and could end up going horribly wrong in the future, I hope it doesn’t because of how much that person has grown and changed throughout the series and I hope they continue to go down the path they are currently going.
One of the girls also stood up for herself in a situation I was worried about happening and that she would just end up caving and letting said person walk all over her again, but with the help of a fellow roommate she was able to stand her ground and do what was right for herself.
The other two girl’s lives were full of major miscommunication and could have been avoided if they would have just talked more with their significant other instead of avoiding the problem. Sadly this is something that happens a lot in real life so I did think it was a good storyline because it showed how important communication is and how certain situations can be avoided.
Overall I do think this is a good series to read if you are a new adult that wants a clean read. Yes I am considering 86 Bloomberg place as new adult even though it was published before new adult became a thing.