Saffron gets attacked in her apartment and Jasper has her move in with him for her own protection which they are both excited to have the excuse to spend more time together. I was very happy to finally have some good Saffron/Jasper time, including a kiss at dinner which almost leads to sex on the table of a busy restaurant until sanity returned. Jasper/Saffron moments are the only thing I like about this series.
The rest of this review is going into a Spoiler Alert!
We once again spend an extraordinary amount of time with Saffron trying to figure out what her client, a former criminal, wished for and keeps ending up at his place of business where things are really shady and Saffron gets threatened with bodily harm more than once and more guns shoved in her face. Life for Saffron has become a lot more dangerous than being a Dope Faery. Memory Magic can’t help Godmothers from being killed with real bullets. Really, why is it so hard for a Faery Godmother to grant a wish? It was wished for! Trust me the other Godmothers aren’t putting this much effort into it.
Saffron’s playing fast and loose with the rules is catching up with her. Someone remembers Faery Godmothers exists and has Saffron’s missing wand, which she lost when she was beat up in the second story. The Trolls are holding her accountable because if someone knows about Godmothers, it’s not such a leap to Trolls. Again, really, especially since Trolls don’t look like ugly Trolls as we’ve been told. I thought the hot Troll leader, who keeps watching Saffron was brought in for a love triangle but he is too much an ass to catch Saffron’s interest away from Jasper. Saffron agrees to fix everything and hopes not to have to tell Jasper or the Director about it, especially since it is all her fault.
The Trolls also threatened her friend (former drug dealer and human) Vincent because they don’t trust him to keep quiet, especially since Vincent tells everyone he know that Faery Godmothers are real and that he knows one. The only way to keep him safe is to bind him to Saffron like an indentured servant or slave and she will command him not to tell anyone. Of course, the side effect is that any pain inflicted on Vincent will be suffered by Saffron. (Sigh. Can’t see how that might be a problem, can you?)
Lastly, the Director has been no fan of Saffron (Really, why doesn’t she just quit? These guys suck!). Neither does she like that the Devil’s Advocate has finished his audit and is going to give his report of changes that need to be made to the Department of Faery Godmother. How dare he! They are awesome! Blah, blah. So the Director pretty much blackmails Saffron. Since everyone is aware that she and Jasper have a connection, if Jasper makes reference to the nepotism in the Godmothers but doesn’t recommend firing Saffron for all her gross errors, she will recommend he be fired for playing favorites, or alternately, Saffron should sleep with Jasper and then bring sexual harassment charges against him or else the Director will fire Safron for her errors and recommend Saffron not be hired for another Faery job.
Saffron refuses to step into the Director’s trap and does the unexpected but not until Jasper confesses his deepest secret in hopes that Saffron will still want him. She can’t tell him about the Director’s threats because Saffron knows Jasper will go straight to the Director and that the Director will have a contingency for that as well. So she tells Jasper that she is overwhelmed by his confession and needs some time, breaking his little Devil’s Advocate heart. You can actually hear it crack.