Written on Jul 31, 2015
It’s been a while since I read any books in the Travis family series so one of the things that I forgot was that the books were written in first person…in the heroines POV. Most of the heroes in this series are in the Travis family. When I first read Sugar Daddy, it was Hardy that I wanted to read about next. When I read Blue Eyed Devil, it was Jack that I wanted to get to know and while we get to know them through the women that they love, it would have been nice to get in their heads too.
In Brown Eyed Girl, we’re in Avery Crosslin’s head. We get her and Joe’s story through her eyes and I was a bit bummed out by that because it was Joe that I wanted. I wanted to know Joe more and when I put this book down, I didn’t feel like I got enough Joe. I wanted to know more about what happened to him after the accident. I wanted to see him outside of when he was with Avery. I just wanted more of him.
Avery was kind of hard to take in the beginning. She was annoying in that hot and cold, make up your damn mind already way and when she heads to New York and just expected Joe to tag along with her while she rides the celebrity train, I was annoyed. She comes a long way from the beginning to the end but I don’t know, throughout the entire book, I wanted more of things that I didn’t get.
I wanted more of the Travis family. I wanted more Joe. I wanted more Haven and Hardy and because I didn’t get that, I felt a bit let down. Now don’t get me wrong, Lisa Kleypas is a great writer and she turned my feelings where Avery was concerned around but in the end, I didn’t absolutely love it. I just liked it well enough.
Grade: 3 out of 5