Written on Apr 27, 2016
She Laughs In Pink sees two very damaged people come together (actually, it brings more than two damaged people together because the whole of Sheridan Hall are like a family and I am so, so hoping the second book will visit another Sheridan Hall member - Pooja for example SO needs her own story) and what I loved immediately is that Chase and Juliet are so forthright about how they feel. Juliet, about her feelings for Ben, and Chase about his feelings for Juliet. And despite the fact Juliet is so sure she's in love with Ben and they're soulmates, etc, Juliet and Chase actually have a wicked good connection, and amazing chemistry. And you kinda want to bash Juliet's head in for even wondering whether she should just let the Chase thing follow its own path, or keep making a play for Ben who's clueless (until he's not clueless). But, in the end, you really want Chase and Juliet to make it work.
I loved both Juliet and Chase. Separately and together. Juliet was such a strong character, such a strong girl, she'd been through so much, and still had so much life to her. But, like I said, I wanted to bash her head in sometimes, because she just needed TO PICK A SIDE AND GET ON WITH IT. Mostly because I wanted her to pick Chase and couldn't understand why she mooned over Ben. But Chase I loved. Yes, he had his moments (like any time Sara entered the page) but he was amazing. And he loved his Gram something chronic which made my heart ache. Chuck both Juliet and Chase into the same scene, and it was like my Kindle was on fire, their chemistry was so good.
I genuinely loved this book. It was so, so good, and the unexpected plot twist literally had me gasping for breath, this was such an emotional, amazing read, though. Juliet and Chase will stay with me months after reading, I can already tell. The whole of Sheridan Hall is in my heart and I can't wait for book two!!!!!! I am INSANELY excited for book two! More Sheridan Hall, hopefully more Chase and Juliet and Ben and Pooja and Rocco and oh man, just ALL OF THEM.