Written on Jan 10, 2022
I fell in love with Leonora Carrington from the first short story I read. After reading this novel I know I will hunt down and consume every word she has ever written. I will channel my inner Jane from Horrid by Katrina Leno and eat the stories of Mz Carrington until I become one myself.
The elderly hero is an engaging lead. I felt emotional and sympathetic and appreciated her consistent voice guiding me through the changing landscape of her days.
This novel really takes you for a ride. You enter the pages thinking you know where it leads, and slowly it shifts and you find yourself in a place of strangeness so complete you want to go back and retrace your steps. But there is no return.
This is a marvellous exploration of a human mind and of places beyond mind and sanity. I would call this existential surrealism, but that would be too simple for it. This is artistry beyond conventional rules.
If this is your first time dipping your reading toes into surrealism, you may benefit from trying one of the authors' short stories first. If you are brave enough, clear up some time and try to read it in one go for a truly powerful experience.