Written on Aug 30, 2009
I loved Artistic Licence. I thought it was an easy read and I really enjoyed all of the characters. Reading about Thea trying to set up an art gallery after seeing Rory’s paintings was brilliant, the whole will-he-won’t-he regarding showing with Thea in the provinces or showing in London was an interesting part of the story, too.
Sure, Thea swanning off to Ireland seemed very sudden but the spontaneity of it was great to read. Who doesn’t dream of swanning off somewhere and getting away from it all?! I thought Thea was really well written and I enjoyed the dilemma’s she faced and I couldn’t help hoping she would pull it off.
I also really enjoyed the interaction between Ben and Thea and was rooting for them throughout. From the first meeting in the dustbin to the end, their relationship was a really great part to the novel. The build-up for it was really great and well done by Katie and my favourite aspect of the story.
I enjoyed all the minor characters, Molly, Petal, Rory but my favourite of the minor characters was Ben’s son Toby. He was really enjoyable to read about. Another part of the story I enjoyed was Rory’s dog, Lara, having her puppies and, when Rory went to London, reading how Thea looked after them.
Artistic Licence is written in the third-person as all of Katie’s books are and I love how that’s done. Depending on the author, I alternate between which style I prefer. I’m generally a fan of first-person but I love when third-person is really well written and Katie definitely manages that.
Overall, Artistic Licence is a really great read, and although a lot of people (on Amazon – where some reviews cannot be classified as reviews) say Katie’s writing style is “old-fashioned” I disagree with them, I love how Katie writes her books. It’s well worth a read if you like a good romance!
Rating: 5/5