Written on Mar 29, 2021
When I got to the second section 130 pages in, I was relieved to find out that the overwrought MFA grad gone wild nature of the writing up until that point was a purposeful choice because the narrator actually was an overwrought MFA grad gone wild. The rest of the book at that point was much easier and more enjoyable to read, and I had fun comparing the narrators' perspectives and seeing what differences they presented.
It's very well constructed, but it did raise the question for me about whether a well constructed book has done the job it set out to do if it loses half its readers before it can reveal what its intentions actually are. It reminded me of my feelings about [b:Affinity|25337939|Affinity|Sarah Waters|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1428720323l/25337939._SY75_.jpg|1413038] by [a:Sarah Waters|25334|Sarah Waters|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1409248454p2/25334.jpg], where my review notes that the first 90% was extremely slow and boring, and yet the final pages revealed an astonishing feat that the author had set up and pulled off that left me very impressed. Like I did with this book, I also rated Affinity three stars, not because I generally enjoyed all of my time with it, but my impression of the full package was, "I like what the author did in the overall scheme of things."