Written on Jul 22, 2017
Madison works with a local program to drive young adults home on the weekend when needed. This seems like a fairly easy job until one night a passenger goes missing after having been dropped off. This sets the whole town on edge, but the kidnappings don't stop there over the next weeks another two teenagers go missing as well. The local authorities are questioning all of the usual suspects but keep coming up empty-handed. So it's up to Madison and a person who comes to her for help to find out who's taken them and why all without getting caught by the real kidnapper.
This was so much better than I thought it would be. I really liked this thriller mystery and I loved how it was all able to fit into such a short book. Not only did you feel actual fear for the characters, but all of the other mini-mysteries surrounding the main big one were fun to figure out. As for the big mystery, I was completely wrong on who that one was and I had never even had that person as a suspect making it truly shocking.
I can't wait to read the next companion novel in this series and see what Strasser is able to come up with next.