Despite how slow going the book was, the big developments are really interesting. I didn’t see them coming and I can’t wait to see how things go in the next installment.
I loved the moral gray areas in the book. It’s an interesting take on racism (species-ism?) and the decisions that need to be made aren’t easy ones. I know when reading I’d think about I would do in their situations but things would quickly change as we find out more information. You don’t know who the good or bad guys are. You’re not quite sure who you want to win. That always makes for interesting reading.
I’m not sure if I was a fan of the different perspectives. It did help because there were a lot of storylines going on and it filled in information we needed. On the other hand, it made for some choppy reading and I was constantly getting annoyed about being taken away from a storyline.
The bottom line? Slow going but the last bit of the book makes the book worth reading.
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