Written on Dec 27, 2020
When the book starts, we meet Lana, who is desperate to be on the Porto Rican team, to show her pride for her homeland that she has been away from most of her life. We also learn that her mother is highly against this as when she was five, she was attacked by a dragon but survived. All of this intrigued me, but once Lana is recruited, and you get to the games, another subplot starts to overshadow, and I think it meant to take front stage, and the Blazewrath Games is just a background element. I found the revenge thread of the story hard to follow when mixed in with the Games. I enjoyed the aspect of the rich Latino culture that is interwoven in the story. Still, I would have enjoyed this more if I stayed with Lana's storyline on the Blazewrath team and then figured out some complicated revenge story.