Written on Jun 4, 2020
+Ava is essentially the opposite of what you'd expect from a teenage girl, but not in the "not like other girls" way. She goes to a liberal school, she has a hot girlfriend, she has super liberal parents. She basically has it totally good and easy. But Ava wants rules and structure! She cares about being academically challenged! She wants to wear blue jeans and pink sweaters, not all black! She wants to have girl friends to talk about make up and boys! Well, maybe not boys, since she's a lesbian, or is she?
+I could definitely understand Ava trying to find her way and having no idea who the real Ava is. Was it the all black wearing emo goth lesbian who scorned all things pink and stereo-typically feminine? Is it the pink cashmere, kitten heel wearing girl who dirty dances and makes out with boys at parties? Is is the paint covered girl who discusses misogyny and mathematics? All of them? None of them? Something in between? Ava is desperate to fit in, but she has no idea where she belongs.
-Ava wants to try dating a boy at her new school in order to be "normal." When she finally gets her hands on a boy, she spazzes out about cheating on her girlfriend. Um, duh? What did she think she was doing? Hooking up with someone behind your partner's back is...cheating! But then she decides it's not cheating, since it was with a boy. This is why bisexuals are seen as greedy cheaters!
-Ava is quick to point out others' homophobia, misogyny, and sexism, but totally doesn't see it in herself. And it's never addressed either. Her whole mission is based on the fact that pink is girly and she wants to be pink and girl and normal! Also trying to date a boy to be normal. Hellooo!?!?
-"And I don't know whether that means I'm straight or gay, or gay with a twist of straight or what." Um....BISEXUAL?!?!? Bisexuality is a thing!!!