Written on Jun 23, 2014
In the Janus Affair, we once again join the duo of Eliza Braun and Wellington Books, officers at the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences in Britain. It was a fantastic ride filled with murder, missing persons and revelations. They are traveling home aboard Britain’s latest hypersteam train when the hair rises on the back of Eliza's neck. A woman of Eliza’s acquaintance vanishes before their eyes in a bright bolt of lightning. Eliza and Wellington are stunned, but back in the archives they find this strange occurrence is happening all over.
I love this duo, from their banter to investigative skills. Their personalities blend wonderfully. She loses her restraint, he keeps her in check. When they discover someone at the ministry is burying these missing cases in the archives they step in to solve the case. From Woman fighting for Suffrage to an old flame of Eliza’s showing up the tale is suspenseful, with the most creative characters. While we have been privy to the growing feelings developing between our heroes…they seemed completely unaware and it was delightful watching them realize their true feelings. It was delicious being in their minds as they worked it out. These two make me giggle aloud, pace the floor and hold my breath.
Ballentine and Morris have a creative imaginations and it's all in the details. I love the inventions, the diabolic plots and the language. James Langton is once again the narrator, and I enjoy his rendition. He brilliantly brings out Wellingtons stuffiness and Eliza’s snark. Through tone and inflection, he helps create the mood, ratchet up the tension and his narration for the villains, ex-lover and superiors at the ministry were spot on.
The Janus Affair was another excellent addition in the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series. Fans of steampunk, banter and mystery will delight in the adventures of Wellington and Eliza.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer
I love this duo, from their banter to investigative skills. Their personalities blend wonderfully. She loses her restraint, he keeps her in check. When they discover someone at the ministry is burying these missing cases in the archives they step in to solve the case. From Woman fighting for Suffrage to an old flame of Eliza’s showing up the tale is suspenseful, with the most creative characters. While we have been privy to the growing feelings developing between our heroes…they seemed completely unaware and it was delightful watching them realize their true feelings. It was delicious being in their minds as they worked it out. These two make me giggle aloud, pace the floor and hold my breath.
Ballentine and Morris have a creative imaginations and it's all in the details. I love the inventions, the diabolic plots and the language. James Langton is once again the narrator, and I enjoy his rendition. He brilliantly brings out Wellingtons stuffiness and Eliza’s snark. Through tone and inflection, he helps create the mood, ratchet up the tension and his narration for the villains, ex-lover and superiors at the ministry were spot on.
The Janus Affair was another excellent addition in the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series. Fans of steampunk, banter and mystery will delight in the adventures of Wellington and Eliza.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer