Written on Jun 13, 2015
The idea I had when reading the synopsis intrigued me. And I mostly liked the book once I started reading it. You don't get a big sense of the personalities of Clio's mother or her elder two sisters, but they don't have much of a part in the book so I can forgive that.
Mannix was evil, cruel and heartless. And I totally did not expect the twist at the end. I quite liked Riece, and loved that we got to see what made him the way he is. It was slightly confusing how Clio suddenly gained the ability to fight, and fight really well just because she became the Oracle. But I suppose since Clio herself didn't know anything about being an Oracle, that was the reasoning behind keeping readers in the dark as well.
There is a love triangle. Though it's fairly predictable who Clio will choose, since the other boy has a fairly minor part comparatively. And we never really learn much about him as a character. Which is good, since I was rooting for the boy she ultimately falls for.
I didn't like the end of the book much at all. Though I can understand her reasoning, it just seemed to come out of left field a bit compared to how she acted through the rest of the book. I'm not sure if I'll pick up book 2, but most likely I'll try it.
If you like fantasy with more unusual plot threads, as well as romance and fighting, you should try this book.
This review was originally posted on Fantasy of the Silver Dragon