Written on Jul 3, 2012
To be honest even though I was disappointed by the first book I couldn’t get this plot idea out of my head. After getting myself all excited about the space adventure I had thought the first book was going to be I desperately needed to read another science fiction book. Honestly. I couldn’t get into any other books. So I relented and ordered this from the library since I actually cannot find any other science fiction books about waking up too early on a spaceship after being cryogenically frozen for hundreds of years. I honestly still want to write this space adventure myself haha.
The closest I came to was a book called Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan which I have requested from the library. Then I stumbled across Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder which doesn’t call to me like Across the Universe did but it is in the science fiction and space category so I have requested that as well. But I digress.
I have to say that I enjoyed this book so much better than the first! It might have to do with the fact that it’s not slow to start off like the first book was. The excitement starts on the first page. I read it in one night because I was too excited to stop reading. It was another mystery plot but the space elements were also worked into it. I loved it.
Amy was more likeable in this season. I’m not sure in what way but I realised I did care what happened to her. Although her immature and selfish attitude towards the end of the book really grated on my nerves and made me forget what it was that I liked about her. I liked that Elder started acting like a leader, he acted more mature and appropriate of his role. Although he too did act a little immature at times. Then again, Amy and Elder are teenagers.
The people of Godspeed were the ones that annoyed me the most though. And that was because of the situation they were in and were making it out to be.
The ending! Whoa. I am so excited to read the final book! I’m guttered it’s just under a year away. How can I wait so long?!
Overall I really liked this book!
Miss J