Written on Sep 15, 2018
So this book is super adorable. Here's the thing: I don't have much to say beyond the "super adorable" part? I liked both characters a lot. Arthur, especially, made me chuckle. I loved how much family involvement there was from both guys' families. And I love that friendships were a big focus. I just... had trouble feeling more than "aw that was cute"?
Part of this is probably a "me" issue, because I can be pretty picky with contemporary. But I learned that I need more than just a cute romance in a book, apparently. So we can chalk this up to a learning experience, yay! Also, maybe I am a little bitter about meet-cutes in general, but I suppose that is an issue for a therapist and not a book review.
I am also obviously here for the diversity- I love that it's a totally adorable book about two gay guys navigating the dating world! So I definitely don't want to downplay that aspect. Plus, I have to give it props for making me smile a lot, and also for gushing about Hamilton. These are huge, huge wins.
Bottom Line: If you enjoy meet-cutes and romance, this will absolutely be your jam. The characters are impossible to not root for, and you will want to squish them and give them all the happiness forever and ever amen.