Amber (The Literary Phoenix)
Written on Dec 6, 2017
In this accident, Eureka loses her mother and her best friend. She’s supposed to die too, but doesn’t, because of a mysterious stranger. She’s blocked this all from her mind, and the only thing therapy has gotten her is really pissed off at her step-mum. We snoop into a useless therapy session with a useless therapist and then Eureka leaves and promptly gets into another car accident.
If I were Eureka, I’d lose my mind. Much like Eureka, car accidents mean devastating loss, and every time I drive it is in complete terror of another one. Just me, I guess. Sooo, she gets hit by this hot guy and freaks out a little, and cries a single tear.
Hot guy scoops up the tear and puts it in his eye, because that’s not creepy at all.
Then they are in love. Only they can’t tell each other, because, ugh, who falls in love at first sight? (Seriously, OMG, stop it). That sets the tone of the book pretty well.
Eureka isn’t all that bad.
Honestly, if you get past how cheesy she is with Ander or “new” Brooks, she’s a pretty real teen. She’s suffered a trauma, she’s dealing with it, and while I don’t subscribe to her theory that all therapists are useless, she’s behaving in a completely realistic way for a girl whose lost someone she loved passionately and has to readjust to life. On top of that, she also lives with the stigma of a suicide attempt (I DO NOT ENDORSE THIS), and I think that the discussion of that depth of depression is something we don’t see in fiction. And should. Because it’s real.
I actually really enjoyed the bits of Eureka’s life when she wasn’t being a lovesick puppet. She was broken and beautiful and needing a friend very much. But here’s the thing. Eureka isn’t alone. She has her family, who supports her the best they know how. And she’s got Cat. Cat is actually fabulous.
I really really really love the myth of Atlantis. So I’ve got to ask, why does all the fiction about it lead to disappointment?
Okay, so lets talk about Atlantis as its presented in this book. I’ll be as brief and vague as possible.
Atlantis is sunk (obviously, that’s what it does). It got underwater because two lovers ran off on their other lover-peoples and their boat sunk and they got separated and as far as I can tell, someone cried it under the sea? In order to get Atlantis to come back to the surface, it has to be cried to the surface. And when someone from the proper line cries, it causes a monsoon? Honestly not sure how that’s going to work out.
In short, Eureka is Kida and this is a weird Atlantis story. I don’t think the story is going anywhere really interesting? I’m basically just seeing more love triangle and less Atlantis in the future and I’m not really excited about that.
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