Cocktails and Books
Written on Sep 7, 2011
Brandy Alexander is a small time reporter for an LA station on her way back home to Philadelphia for her high school best friend's wedding. She's avoided going back in the four years she's been away because of a certain cop who broke her heart. But her best friend Franny, the bride, has demanded she come home to be in the wedding, so here she comes.
Trouble seems to find Brandy almost as soon as she sets foot back in the city of brotherly love. She has a kid pee his pants in front of her while waiting to buy food at the airport, is almost run over by a van being piloted by eighty year old nuns, takes a drunken tumble off a stage at the sight of her ex-boyfriend (we won't mention the boob that pops out just prior to this incident), believes her best male friend Johnny has been blown to pieces and manages to get her brother's priceless (to him) car towed. This all within a few days of coming home!!
Troubled by what happened to her friend Johnny, she decides to start investigating the story he had told her the day he picked her up. She figures she owes to Johnny to find out why he was blown up and exactly who's responsible. When she takes the obvious route, the police, she's disheartened that no one seems to believe her story, which leads Brandy to start investigating on her own.
While navigating the trouble thrown in her path (or rather what she places in her path), she also must deal with the unresolved issues between her and Bobby (the cop ex-boyfriend), the hideous bridesmaid dresses Franny has picked out and her suddenly very alert labido when she enlists the very sexy and very mysterious Nick Santiago.
This book was a riot. I was laughing out loud at various parts of the book that had me remembering what is was like to grow up back East in an Italian family. It was priceless.
If you enjoy the Stephanie Plum series, you will devour this book. It's what Stephanie was back in the beginning.
Can't wait to read the next book in the series!