I know this book is famous and praised by critics and fans alike. However, I'm not exactly over the moon. The story and the topics are relevant and Bradbury provides a lot of food for thought. My problem is his writing style and the pace of the story. While the ideas fascinate me, the story bored me. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly that annoyed me, but I wasn't excited or thrilled by this book. It just felt flat to me, just as one-dimensional as a world without books. Furthermore, I was rather disappointed with the representation of women in this novel. Bradbury wrote in 1953 and was imagining some far away future, so you might expect him to be a bit diverse with his female characters. However, women generally appear to be brain-washed ideas who are incapable of thinking on their own. There is one exception, but Clarisse also wasn't a character I liked. She was just weird and irritating, which clearly didn't help with enjoying the book.