Notes From Listening:
>>First several chapters run concurrent with the beginning of Not Your Sidekick from Bells' day of leaving for summer
>>Aww the name choosing scene!!
>>Interesting about the farming.
>>Emma = crush volleyballer
>>Jess + Abby = 3
>>Chapter 3 Jess gets internship, getting rides with Abby
>>Chapter 4 the heart to heart
>>Chapter 5 Emma's Heart
>>Chapter 6 Jess's House
>>Brandon aka B Mastermind is Jess's little bro
>>Ouch the rejection
>>But no need to be an asshole!
>>LOL Christine!! Smart Clever Girl!!!
>>Awww the kitty sock lol
>>Why mind cluttered with all these junk!?!?
>>Bells is bi or pan?!? YES
>>Aww no chemistry :((((
>> Interesting triple date
>>Hmmmm developments
>>Oh you idiot!!
>>Stealing the registry feels like National Treasure
>>Aww Abby & Emma! 3
>>Robo revolt thread finally picked up at like 75%
>>Aww Emma giving Bells the binder!!
>>I'm kinda disappointed they didn't think of this before...
>>I do love how food and sustainability & independence are included
>>haha you show 'em Bells!
>>Good ace talk w/ Emma. Sounds kinda like demi??
>>Wait, skipped the escape?? Straight to the train??
>>Wait more skipping around??
>>Awwwwwww 3
>>Okay the resistance thread comes back and is not useless