79 books • 2 series
A Culture for Academic Excellence: Implementing Th e Quality Principles in Higher Education: Ashe-Eri C/Higher Ed Research Volume 25, Rprt NUM 1 1996/97
Successful Faculty Development and Evaluation: the Complete Teaching Portfolio: Ashe-Eric/Higher Edu Cation Research Report Number 8, 1995 (Volume 24)
Higher Education Leadership: Analyzing the Gender Gap: Ashe-Eric/Higher Education Research Volume 25 , Report Number 4, 1996/1997
Empowering the Faculty: Mentoring Redirected and Renewed: Ashe-Eric/Higher Education Research Repor t Number 3, 1995 (Volume 24)
Student Learning outside the Classroom: Transcendi Ng Artificial Boundaries: Ashe-Eric/Higher Educati on Research Report Number 8, 1994 (Volume 23)
Models for Improving College Teaching (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE))
Enhencing Student Learning: Intellectual, Social and Emotional Integration: Ashe-Eric/Higher Educuc Ation Research Report Number 4, 1995 (Volume 24)
Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment: Legal and Administrative Implications (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE))
Redesigning Higher Education: Producing Dramatic Gains in Student Learning: Ashe-Eric/Higher Educat Ion Report Number 7, 1994 (Volume 23)
Turning Teaching into Learning: the Role of Studen t Responsibility in the Collegiate Experience Ashe -Eric/Higher Ed Rsrch Rprt NUM 8, 1993 (Vol 22)
Measuring up: the Promises and Pitfalls of Perform Ance Indicators in Higher Education: Ashe-Eric/Hig Her Education Research Rprt NUM 5, 1994 (Vol 23)
The Development Officer in Higher Education: Towar d an Understanding of the Role: Ashe-Eric/Higher Ed Research Report Number 4, 1994 (Volume 23)
Prices, Productivity, and Investment: Assessing Financial Strategies in Higher Education: Ashe-Eri C/Higher Ed Research Rprt NUM 3, 1994 (Volume 23)
Collaborative Peer Review: the Role of Faculty in Improving College Teaching: Ashe-Eric/Higher Educa Tion Research Report Number 2, 1994 (Volume 23)
The Advisory Committee Advantage: Creating an Effe Ctive Strategy for Programmatic Improvement: Ashe- Eric/Higher Ed Rsrch Rprt NUM 1, 1994 (Volume 23)
New Perspectives for Student Affairs Professionals : Evolving Realities, Responsibilities and Roles: Ashe-Eric/Higher Ed Rsrch Rprt 7, 1993 (Vol 22)
Academic Freedom in American Higher Education: Rig Hts, Responsibilities and Limitations: Ashe-Eric/H Igher Ed Rprts, Report Number 4, 1993 (Volume 22)
The Department Chair: New Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges: Ashe-Eric/Higher Education Researc h Report Number 1, 1993 (Volume 22)
Enhancing Promotion, Tenure and beyond: Faculty Socialization as a Cultural Process: Ashe-Eric/Hig Her Ed Research Report Number 6, 1993 (Volume 22)
Making Sense of the Dollars (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE))
Chicanos in Higher Education: Issues and Dilemmas for the 21st Century: Ashe-Eric/Higher Education R Esearch Report Number 3, 1993 (Volume 22)
Sexual Harassment in Higher Education (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE))
Instituting Enduring Innovations: Achieving Contin Uity of Change in Higher Education: Ashe-Eric/High Er Education Research Rprt NUM 7, 1992 (Vol 21)
Creating Distinctiveness: Lessons from Uncommon Co Leges and Universities: Ashe-Eric/Higher Educucati on Research Report Number 6, 1992 (Volume 21)