K. Douglas Hoffman (D.B.A., University of Kentucky) is a professor of marketing and University Distinguished Teaching Scholar at Colorado State University. Dr. Hoffman�s teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels spans more than three decades. He has held tenure track positions at Colorado State University, University of North Carolina at Wilmington and Mississippi State University. In addition, Dr. Hoffman has taught as a visiting professor at Helsinki School of Business and Economics (Helsinki, Finland); Institute of Industrial Policy Studies (Seoul, South Korea); Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand); Cornell-Nanyang Technological University (Singapore); and Foreign Trade University (Hanoi, Vietnam). He is an accomplished teaching and research scholar in the areas of services marketing and marketing management. His current research and consulting activities primarily focus in the areas of sales/service interface, customer service/satisfaction, service failure and recovery and marketing education. Dr. Hoffman has consulted on marketing strategy issues for firms such as HP Inc., State Farm and Frontier Airlines.