4,292 books • 1 series
Building a stronger diplomatic presence
Examining global warming issues in the power plant sector
Domestic partner benefits for federal employees
Strengthening the ability of public transportation to reduce our dependence on foreign oil
The new FEMA
The fiscal year 2011 budget for veterans' programs
Boomer bust?
TARP and other government assistance for AIG
Transparency in accounting
Concentration in agriculture and an examination of the JBS/Swift acquisitions
Children and disasters
Enforcing America's trade laws in the face of customs fraud and duty evasion
Advising seniors about their money
Hidden 401(k) fees
Private sector preparedness
Examining the billing, marketing, and disclosure practices of the credit card industry, and their impact on consumers
Modernizing consumer protection in the financial regulatory system
Green buildings
The Stafford Act
Retail gas prices. Pt. II
Hearing to review implementation of Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2007
Libel tourism
United States Department of Justice