4,292 books • 1 series
Offshore tax evasion
Encouraging innovative and cost-effective crime reduction strategies
Examining executive branch authority to acquire trust lands for Indian tribes
Nomination of Gov. Thomas J. Vilsack, of Iowa, to be Secretary of Agriculture
EPA's response to 9/11 and lessons learned for future emergency preparedness
Reducing risks and improving oversight in the OTC credit derivatives market
Addressing Iran's nuclear ambitions
Ensuring television carriage in the digital age
Reviewing America's commitment to the refugee convention
Protecting copyright and innovation in a post-Grokster world
The final report of the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves
Veterans' disability compensation
Immigration enforcement at the workplace
Nomination hearings of the 111th Congress. Pt. 2
Hearing on VA contracts for health services
Working towards ending homelessness
Customs Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2009
Nomination of Peter R. Orszag
Long-term health impacts from September 11
Hearing on pending health-related legislation
Reducing the undercount in the 2010 census
A review of U.S. diplomatic readiness
Preventing and recovering Medicare payment errors
Reform of the Mining Law of 1872