4,292 books • 1 series
Oversight of HUD and its fiscal year 2009 budget
Policing lenders and protecting homeowners
Clean energy and "green" jobs
Promoting job creation and foreign investment in the United States
Improving nutrition for America's children in difficult economic times
The role of federally funded university research in the patent system
Examining the state of the banking industry
Eliminating wasteful contractor bonuses
Nominations of Michael Punke, Islam Siddiqui, and Michael Mundaca
Honoring final wishes
Prohibiting price fixing and other anticompetitive conduct in the health insurance industry
Exploring the National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009
After the dust settles
Human capital needs of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection "One Face at the Border" initiative
Identification security
Protecting personal information
Global Internet freedom
Is the distribution of tax burdens and tax benefits equitable?
Paid to prescribe?
Creating new federal judgeships
S. 2838
Evaluating the propriety and adequacy of the Oxycontin criminal settlement
How did we get here?
Strengthening Medicare and Medicaid