4,292 books • 1 series
Legacy of the trans-Atlantic slave trade
Politicization of the Justice Department and allegations of selective prosecution
Ramifications of auto industry bankruptcies. Pt. III
Too big to fail? Pt. I
National Football League's system for compensating retired players
The Katrina impact on crime and the criminal justice system in New Orleans
Protecting the American dream. Pt. II
Midnight rulemaking
Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs oversight
United States v. Stevens
Racial disparities in the criminal justice system
Mandatory binding arbitration
Reauthorization of the Innocence Protection Act
Sunshine in Litigation Act of 2008
How will the proposed merger between AT & T and T-Mobile affect wireless telecommunications competition?
From the Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay Pt. IV
Working families in financial crisis
Drug Enforcement Administration's regulation of medicine
Toxic Substances Control Act and the chemicals management program at EPA
Nominations of Harvey E. Johnson Jr. and Jeffrey William Runge
A reliance on smart power
Preserving the American dream
Nomination of Timothy F. Geithner