Stress Relief

by Michael Reed Gach

Published 1 July 2003
According to traditional Chinese medicine, stress depletes the vital energy stored in the kidneys and weakens the immune system. On Stress Relief, Michael Reed Gach gives listeners techniques to nourish the kidneys and counteract stress. Learn self-acupressure, deep breathing exercises, and gentle stretches to feel more relaxed and enhance the quality of your life in as little as just five minutes a day.

Sleep Better

by Michael Reed Gach

Published 1 July 2003
Over 60 million Americans each year suffer from insomnia, which can lead to serious sleep deficits and health problems. This self-healing program relieves insomnia by counteracting the stress that accumulates in the upper back, shoulder, and neck area.

On Sleep Better, Michael Reed Gach's soothing voice guides listeners into a good night's sleep by using simple techniques that combine gentle stretching, self-acupressure, eye movements, and deep breathing exercises.

Increase Vitality

by Michael Reed Gach

Published 1 July 2003
Do you wish you had more energy? Millions of people today suffer from fatigue and low energy because of weakened immune systems, but help is available through simple, daily routines.

With Increase Vitality, fatigue melts away and vitality is increased through effective, self-rejuvenating routines of deep breathing, self-acupressure, and gentle stretching exercises. Michael Reed Gach shows listeners how to boost their energy system in just 10 minutes, and over time build resistance to emotional and environmental stresses.

Release Back Pain

by Michael Reed Gach

Published 1 July 2003
Most back problems are related to poor posture, stress, strain, or injuries. With Release Back Pain, listeners discover practical flexibility techniques for self-care that can be practiced nearly anywhere and at any time.

These simple back-care exercises can strengthen the abdomen, gently stretch back muscles to improve their tone, and lessen susceptibility to pain.