assessment is comprised of Lesson Assessment and Benchmark Assessment. Lesson Assessment tests students on material covered in the
program weekly. A score of 80% or higher indicates student mastery. These assessments offer the opportunity for summative assessment as students are
graded on their knowledge of previously-taught skills and concepts. Benchmark Assessment features tests of equivalent difficulty that sample the yearlong
curriculum to gauge student growth. Improving scores on these assessments indicate students’ increasing mastery of the content. This assessment acts as a
universal screener of student growth. Progress is measured against benchmark cutoff scores. Cutoff scores rise as student knowledge grows and help to
point out gaps between student achievement and the curriculum-based goals. These two assessments offer valuable formative data as the frequency of the
assessments allows for reliable progress monitoring data that can be used to ensure that all students progress.

assessment is comprised of Lesson Assessment and Benchmark Assessment. Lesson Assessment tests students on material covered in the
program weekly. A score of 80% or higher indicates student mastery. These assessments offer the opportunity for summative assessment as students are
graded on their knowledge of previously-taught skills and concepts. Benchmark Assessment features tests of equivalent difficulty that sample the yearlong
curriculum to gauge student growth. Improving scores on these assessments indicate students’ increasing mastery of the content. This assessment acts as a
universal screener of student growth. Progress is measured against benchmark cutoff scores. Cutoff scores rise as student knowledge grows and help to
point out gaps between student achievement and the curriculum-based goals. These two assessments offer valuable formative data as the frequency of the
assessments allows for reliable progress monitoring data that can be used to ensure that all students progress.

Blackline Masters of the Lesson and Benchmark Assessments
can be printed off the CD-ROM.

Blackline Masters of the Lesson and Benchmark Assessments
can be printed off the CD-ROM.

Professional Development Guides give teachers more in-depth
information and education on:
? Phonics
? Comprehension
? Workshop
? Inquiry
? Vocabulary
? Writing
? Assessment
? Administrators

Each lesson in the grade level program has a corresponding
Reteach activity for those students needing extra practice and

Contains planning, differentiation, and assessment tips that enhance instruction in print and book awareness, letter recognition, phonological and phonemic awareness, and more.

to introduce and reinforce sound and spelling correspondence

At SRA/McGraw-Hill, we recognize that high-quality, long-term professional development, combined with an understanding of your needs, is critical to the successful implementation of any reading program including Open Court Reading. The curriculum is just the beginning of SRA's unparalleled support for all the professionals involved with teaching children to read, including: Classroom, Title !, English Learner, and Special Education teachers Mentor teachers and Coaches Administrators and support personnel

assessment is comprised of Lesson Assessment and Benchmark Assessment. Lesson Assessment tests students on material covered in the
program weekly. A score of 80% or higher indicates student mastery. These assessments offer the opportunity for summative assessment as students are
graded on their knowledge of previously-taught skills and concepts. Benchmark Assessment features tests of equivalent difficulty that sample the yearlong
curriculum to gauge student growth. Improving scores on these assessments indicate students’ increasing mastery of the content. This assessment acts as a
universal screener of student growth. Progress is measured against benchmark cutoff scores. Cutoff scores rise as student knowledge grows and help to
point out gaps between student achievement and the curriculum-based goals. These two assessments offer valuable formative data as the frequency of the
assessments allows for reliable progress monitoring data that can be used to ensure that all students progress.

Professional Development Guides give teachers more in-depth
information and education on:
? Phonics
? Comprehension
? Workshop
? Inquiry
? Vocabulary
? Writing
? Assessment
? Administrators

assessment is comprised of Lesson Assessment and Benchmark Assessment. Lesson Assessment tests students on material covered in the
program weekly. A score of 80% or higher indicates student mastery. These assessments offer the opportunity for summative assessment as students are
graded on their knowledge of previously-taught skills and concepts. Benchmark Assessment features tests of equivalent difficulty that sample the yearlong
curriculum to gauge student growth. Improving scores on these assessments indicate students’ increasing mastery of the content. This assessment acts as a
universal screener of student growth. Progress is measured against benchmark cutoff scores. Cutoff scores rise as student knowledge grows and help to
point out gaps between student achievement and the curriculum-based goals. These two assessments offer valuable formative data as the frequency of the
assessments allows for reliable progress monitoring data that can be used to ensure that all students progress.

Compiled from abstract English words found in the Imagine It!
program. Designed to assist the English learner, or any teacher,
in explaining the meanings of these English words.

assessment is comprised of Lesson Assessment and Benchmark Assessment. Lesson Assessment tests students on material covered in the
program weekly. A score of 80% or higher indicates student mastery. These assessments offer the opportunity for summative assessment as students are
graded on their knowledge of previously-taught skills and concepts. Benchmark Assessment features tests of equivalent difficulty that sample the yearlong
curriculum to gauge student growth. Improving scores on these assessments indicate students’ increasing mastery of the content. This assessment acts as a
universal screener of student growth. Progress is measured against benchmark cutoff scores. Cutoff scores rise as student knowledge grows and help to
point out gaps between student achievement and the curriculum-based goals. These two assessments offer valuable formative data as the frequency of the
assessments allows for reliable progress monitoring data that can be used to ensure that all students progress.

Blackline Masters of the Lesson and Benchmark Assessments
can be printed off the CD-ROM.

assessment is comprised of Lesson Assessment and Benchmark Assessment. Lesson Assessment tests students on material covered in the
program weekly. A score of 80% or higher indicates student mastery. These assessments offer the opportunity for summative assessment as students are
graded on their knowledge of previously-taught skills and concepts. Benchmark Assessment features tests of equivalent difficulty that sample the yearlong
curriculum to gauge student growth. Improving scores on these assessments indicate students’ increasing mastery of the content. This assessment acts as a
universal screener of student growth. Progress is measured against benchmark cutoff scores. Cutoff scores rise as student knowledge grows and help to
point out gaps between student achievement and the curriculum-based goals. These two assessments offer valuable formative data as the frequency of the
assessments allows for reliable progress monitoring data that can be used to ensure that all students progress.

Designed for use during Workshop, workbooks provide quick
support and extension activities for students.