Transformative Education in Contemporary Ireland
Contemporary Ireland is undergoing a radical shift in its sense of national identity, as the traditional narratives that shaped its past have come under intense scrutiny. The essays gathered here investigate the impact of different forms of education on Irish culture, society, politics, religion and economic success. While education for the knowledge economy has been prioritized across funding agendas, this book focuses on exploring education as a transformative enterprise that supports the pers...
Diese Arbeit versteht sich als Beitrag zu einer humanen Heilpadagogik. Da das Normalisierungsprinzip eine grosstmogliche Lernforderung Geistigbehinderter bedingt, sucht die Autorin geeignete methodische Mittel dazu und entdeckte das Spiel als Grundlage einer oft uberraschenden Lernforderung. Die Autorin verbindet die Kennzeichnung und den Einsatz bestimmter Spielarten mit deren Wirkungen auf abgegrenzte Bereiche des Lernens. Ausserdem nimmt sie eine Klassifikation der Spielarten vor, entsprechen...
Von Der Volksschullehrerin Zur Volkslehrerin (Studien Zur Paedagogik, Andragogik Und Gerontagogik / Studie, #23)
by Hedwig Wassenberg
Die Autorin bietet durch breit gefachertes Quellenmaterial den bisher umfassendsten Einblick in das padagogische und andragogische Lebenswerk Hedwig Dransfelds. Die bildungshistoriographische Arbeit gibt einen Uberblick uber die Situation, die Sehweise und das Vorgehen der engagierten Fuhrerin der katholischen Frauenbewegung Deutschlands im ersten Viertel dieses Jahrhunderts. Die Auswertung zeit- und sozialkritischer Publikationen und bisher unveroffentlichter Archivalien aus dem Nachlass Dransf...
Evaluating bilingual education programs requires assessing students’ bilingualism, biliteracy and sociocultural competence. This book documents how dual language programs in the United States implement institutional policies and instructional practices for evaluating program quality and measuring student achievement. Literature consistently identifies seven guiding principles, with associated criteria, for implementing quality dual language programs: (a) program structure, (b) curriculum, (c) in...
Zoroaster - O Sabio Milionario Benfeitor
by Cleberson Eduardo Da Costa
Adult Learning and Education in International Contexts: Future Challenges for its Professionalization (Studien zur Paedagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik / Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Gerontagogy, #69) (Studien Zur Padagogik, Andragogik Und Gerontagogik / Studies In Pedagogy, Andragogy, And Gerontagogy, #69)
by Regina Egetenmeyer, Sabine Schmidt-Lauff, and Vanna Boffo
This volume analyses adult education and lifelong learning as international phenomena, which have a strong influence on professionals working in this field. Based on the 2016 Wurzburg Winter School, the book identifies influences on policy at local, national and international levels. It examines the internationalization of adult education and emphasizes the emergence of different dimensions of professionalism in adult education.
Wegen der immer grosser werdenden Distanz junger Menschen zu den Kirchen, zeigt der Autor am Beispiel der Salesianer Don Boscos, dass eine grundlegende Uberdenkung des eigenen Standortes, des benutzten padagogischen Konzeptes, des eigenen Welt- und Menschenbildes, eine Chance auftut, im Wandel der Zeit viele jungen Menschen doch noch fur Kirche, Evangelium und Jesus Christus zu interessieren, ohne dem Zeitgeist das Wort zu reden, um dauerhaft in irgendeiner verlasslichen Form mit ihr verbunden z...
Interpreting Education (Science, Ideology & Values)
What is meant by education? How are educational institutions and processes evaluated, and how can they be improved? What curriculum is best? How are philosophy and education related? Abraham Edel answers these questions in the course of exploring education. He considers the problems of educational philosophy under conditions of rapid social change in the twentieth century and argues that too many of the traditional approaches to education were set in an effort to delineate a permanent structure...
Die Soziale Arbeit als wichtigste Aufgabe der modernen Gesellschaft?
by Nina Myers
Languages and Education in Africa (Bristol Papers in Education)
Instant Letter Sounds Student Workbook #17
by Sweet Sounds of Reading
Eminent educational philosopher Nel Noddings draws on John Dewey's foundational work to reimagine education's aims and curriculum for the 21st century. Noddings looks at education as a multi-aim enterprise in which schools must address needs in all three domains of life: home and family, occupational, and civic. She raises critical questions about the current enthusiasm for standardisation, the search for ""one-best-way"" solutions, and the practice of maintaining a sharp separation between the...
Examine how community college faculty in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) partnered with K-12 teachers to mentor community college science and math students and open their minds to pursuing a career in K-12 teaching. This report outlines the lessons learned by the community colleges that participated in AACC's Teaching Scholar Partnerships, an initiative supported by the National Science Foundation.
Aesthetische Textstruktur Und Identitaet (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #676)
by Michael Hetzner
Ausgehend von der fundamentalen Differenz asthetischer und nicht-asthetischer Texte spurt diese Studie dem padagogischen Erkenntniswert von Autobiographien mit konsequent durchgeformtem asthetischem Gefuge nach. Sie schliesst damit ein Desiderat der padagogischen (Auto-)Biographieforschung, in der diese Differenz bislang keine hinreichende Beachtung fand. Die asthetisch-autobiographische Textstruktur wahrt nachdruckliche Distanz zur gesellschaftlichen Wirklichkeit. Dadurch ist sie in der Lage, m...
Research in Global Citizenship Education (Research in Social Education)
Globalization is changing what citizens need to know and be able to do by interrupting the assumption that the actions of citizens only take place within national borders. If our neighborhoods and nations are affecting and being affected by the world, then our political consciousness must be worldminded. The outcomes of globalization have led educators to rethink what students need to learn and be able to do as citizens in a globally connected world. This volume focuses on research that examine...
Many commentators feared that the Education Reform Act of 1988 sounded the death knell for teacher professionalism. This text explores the issue by setting the debates in their historical context and by drawing on detailed research findings.
Goals 2000
Loose Leaf for Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education
by David M Sadker and Karen Zittleman
Teachers Schools and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education, 5th Edition, offers a broad, diverse, and stimulating view of education. Written in an engaging, student-friendly style, readers are immersed in an inspiring world of the teacher where current education headlines are brought to life. The text provides a broad yet precise exposure to the realities of teaching and the role of education in our society. The text helps to answer important questions such as: Do I want to become a teacher...