Study after study has concluded that no matter how competently managed a school may be, it is the bringing together of leadership and learning that makes the difference between ordinary and extraordinary performance. Strengthening the Heartbeat offers leaders a clear and compelling way to help their schools achieve extraordinary results. The proven principles outlined in this book can help any school build a culture of leadership and learning. Thomas J. Sergiovanni?a leading thinker in the ed...
Substance Abuse Prevention Handbook
by William L. Callison, Nancy R. Colocino, and Diva Abel Vasquez
Iowa Acceleration Scale, 2nd Edition Set of 10 IAS Forms
by Susan Assouline, Ph.D., Nicholas Colangelo, Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik, Jonathon Lipscomb, B.A., and Leslie Forstadt
ENTRAINMENT is Universal PHYSICS (Universal - Quantum Law, #1)
by Bonnie Baumgartner
365 Worksheets - Finding Place Values with 10 Digit Numbers (365 Days Math Place Value, #9)
by Kapoo Stem
Solving Managerial Problems Systematically (Routledge-Noordhoff International Editions)
by Hans Heerkens and Arnold van Winden
In their new book Solving Managerial Problems Systematically, Hans Heerkens and Arnold van Winden teach students how to identify and efficiently deal with problems. The book uses the Managerial Problem-Solving Method, which deals with problems step by step. Solving Managerial Problems Systematically describes the seven phases of the Managerial Problem-Solving Method, a roadmap on how to identify, conduct thorough research into, and lastly solve a core problem. This textbook treats the concept o...
Live Well, Teach Well: A practical approach to wellbeing that works
by Abigail Mann
Stressed? Overworked? Drowning in marking? This book has it covered. In order to secure the best possible outcomes for your pupils, you must look after your own wellbeing, and Live Well, Teach Well is jam-packed with 90 practical ideas and strategies to help you do just that. #Teacher5aday advocate Abigail Mann provides advice, activities and techniques that any primary or secondary teacher can use to support their own mindfulness, wellbeing, and physical and mental health, and that of their co...
Dass Coaching zum probaten Instrument der Personalentwicklung gehoert, ist unbestritten. Zumindest wird diese These in der Coaching-Literatur nahezu unisono wiederholt. Eine umfassende empirische UEberprufung ist jedoch Forschungsdesiderat. Diese Lucke moechte dieses Buch schliessen. Auf Basis einer quantitativen Erhebung (vorbereitet durch qualitative Interviews) wird ein UEberblick uber die Verwendung, Verbreitung und Einfuhrung von Coaching in Grossunternehmen gegeben. Die Nachfrage- und Ange...
Working for Equity in Heterogeneous Classrooms (Sociology of Education)
This volume provides the theory and research on which Elizabeth Cohen's ""Designing Groupwork: Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom"" (1994), was based. It documents, with systematic data collection and analysis, how it is possible to abolish ability grouping without sacrificing the intellectual challenge of the curriculum. This illustration of the practical application of sociological theory and research strategies shows how they can be utilized in reconstructing classrooms to simultaneou...
This 4th Edition of Action Research introduces practicing educators to the process of conducting classroom-based action research. The book's practicality stems from its focus on research methods and procedures that educators can use with their everyday instructional practices, classroom activities, and school procedures. In this new fourth edition, Craig Mertler has added coverage of high interest topics like teacher empowerment and evaluation, Google Scholar, mixed-methods research designs, e...
Open-ended Maths Investigations for Primary Schools Series Pack
by Ann Baker and Johnny Baker
The books in the Open-ended Maths Investigations series provide teachers with open-ended investigations matched to the following strands of mathematics: Number; money; measurement; space; chance and data; patterns and algebra. The investigations encourage pupils to apply higher order mathematical strategies creativel;y and effectively as they develop proficiency in a wide range of problem-solving strategies. Open-ended Maths Investigations can be used in isolation, in sequence or dipped into as...
Aimed at school managers who need to take long-term decisions on the direction of their school, this work first introduces the basic principles, philosophies and concepts of marketing, and then provides more advanced approaches and practical tools with real examples. It covers marketing research methods which are suitable for schools, a marketing audit, and strategic analysis and planning. Finally, the author examines some alternative approaches to designing strategies and individual components...
The Principal's Office is a practical book. It is simple, easy-to-read, and packed with straightforward, personal advice gleaned from years of real experience. The current or future principal will receive words of wisdom from an author who knows what it is like to serve in the principal's office. This primer addresses the concept of effective leadership in the principal's office with a holistic approach. It is designed to help readers understand the four areas of our being - spiritual, physica...
Rational Numbers (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning)
Until recently there had been relatively little integration of programs of research on teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment. However, in the last few years it has become increasingly apparent that a more unified program of research is needed to acquire an understanding of teaching and learning in schools that will inform curriculum development and assessment. The chapters in this volume represent a first step toward an integration of research paradigms in one clearly specified mathemat...
The Systems Thinking School (Leading Systemic School Improvement)
by Peter A Barnard
This book examines the school as an operational organization through the lens of systems thinking. In this way it serves as an invitation to look again at schools and how they operate as learning systems. It begins by showing exactly why our inherited, industrial school model, can never be made to work effectively no matter how hard school leaders try or how well schools are judged. This book uses systems thinking to explain and describe the management unlearning and new learning needed to cr...
This special issue of the journal Environmental Education Research addresses a topical area of importance - human behaviour towards the environment. The book explores the economic metaphor of 'natural capital' in this context arguing that the currently dominant model of sustainable development, underpinned by a particular understanding of this metaphor, is impeding progress towards genuine sustainability, and secondly that it will continue to do so until the metaphor can be reworked in both thou...
Inquiry in Education, Volume I (Educational Psychology)
by Mark W Aulls and Bruce M Shore
Why should inquiry—the engine for independent, curiosity- and interest-driven, life-long learning—be a curricular imperative, and its presence a criterion for excellent education? Is it possible to teach inquiry skills systematically and to engage learners in being inquirers across elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schooling?To answer these urgent questions, this book*pulls together more than four decades of expert opinion, quantitative research, and qualitative research on inquiry in di...
Based on the highly acclaimed PeaceJam program - an educational action plan built around the spirit, skills, and wisdom of Nobel Peace Laureates - this is a practical and motivational guide that will inspire a generation of peacemakers. "PeaceJam" traces the lives of five American teens who, by applying the skills and techniques from the PeaceJam program and developing personal relationships with Nobel Peace Laureates such as the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, begin to sense their own potential fo...
Realistic Decision Theory: Rules for Nonideal Agents in Nonideal Circumstances
by Curators' Professor Department of Philosophy Paul Weirich
Turning conceptual marketers into marketing engineers.June 2004 update: This title is now available solely through the authors. Students may purchase it online at Please make a note of this change since Prentice Hall will not be reprinting this title or able to offer it once our current inventory is depleted.Marketing professionals today are surrounded by information technology, which they need to exploit to succeed in their markets. This is a ma...