Auto Repair Business Free Online Advertising Video Marketing Strategy Book
by Brian Mahoney
Sales Promoter Log (Logbook, Journal - 124 pages, 6 x 9 inches) (Unique Logbook/Record Books)
by Unique Logbooks
Die Wahl der Marktbearbeitungsstrategien im internationalen Handel, am Beispiel der Mode- und Bekleidungsindustrie
by Alexander Soare
This study text is applicable for the December 2001 and June 2002 examinations. Features include: CIM syllabus; guidance notes extracts; scene-setting chapter introductions; key concepts; action programmes; chapter round-ups; and "marketing at work" real-life examples. BPP liaise closely with the senior examiners to ensure that the study texts contain complete syllabus coverage. This edition has been updated in the light of an in-depth review by the CIM.
Marketing in the New Public Sector (Marketing in the public sector) (Managing the Public Sector)
by Lionel G. Titman
In diesem Buch wird beschrieben, welche Taktiken bei Preisverhandlungen wirkungsvoll nacheinander eingesetzt werden können, um Preisattacken mithilfe von aufeinander aufbauenden Strategien abzuwehren und den Kunden mit möglichst wenig Preisnachlass zum Kaufabschluss zu führen. Der Leser erfährt, wie er innerhalb der einzelnen Phasen die Taktiken wirkungsvoll nutzt, um eine sinnvolle Wirkkette zu erhalten. Die verschiedenen Taktiken werden anhand von Gesprächsbeispielen und Musterdialogen anschau...
Online-Befragungen. Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Daten- und Stichprobenqualitat
by Christian Reinboth
Public Speaking Laws of Success outlines the laws of public speaking in an engaging and compelling manner and is a reminder of key points that are easy to remember, are actionable, and are applicable. In a business and career context, public speaking can help people's perception of the individual, their career prospects, and open the door to various opportunities. Public Speaking Laws of Success is for every person who is speaking in public, putting an event together, working with speakers, or...
Marketing Tourism (Longman/ILAM Leisure Management S.)
by Alan Jefferson and Leonard Lickorish
The explanation of the principles of tourism and its marketing characteristics offered in this book should provide the framework for marketing planning and operation by all tourist interests in the public and private sectors. Full understanding of the role of the public sector tourist organizations representing the destination is fundamental, as they are responsible for the essence of the "product" and act as the key focal point. This is the reason for concentrating on their proper function whic...
Wow! That's How You Get Your Customers to Brag about You!
by Tomas W Lydahl and Jeffrey Gitomer
Renegade Coach's Guide to Business Success Formula Hidden in Ancient Writings
by Margaret Nash
Radiographic Inspection Equipment & Services Sales Representative Work Log (Orange Logs/Work Log)
by Orange Logs
Analisis del entorno empresarial en el sector comercial de productos electronicos en Costa Rica
by Daniel Suchar Zomer
Analoge und digitale Kommunikation. Eine kritische Analyse ausgewählter Kommunikationsbereiche in Unternehmen
by Christian Strunz
Digitalisierung Im Filialsystem
by Hermann Riedl and Christian Printing