Unfriending My Ex by Kim Stolz

Unfriending My Ex

by Kim Stolz

"In this candid and insightful new memoir, Kim Stolz discusses the trials and tribulations of our obsession with social media and mobile technology...a Tweet-worthy, share-worthy, Instagrammable look into our society and the lives we create online." -Harper's Bazaar

An incisive, hilarious, and brutally honest chronicle of our obsessions with connectivity, by a self-proclaimed social media addict.

Breaking up used to be easy. You'd sit down, air your grievances, shed some tears, then commiserate with your friends over a pint of ice cream. But then it was over. Your ex was history. And if you lived in a big enough city, chances are you'd never bump into him or her again.

But the golden age of break-ups has come and gone. Today our exes, former friends, estranged relatives, and even that random person we met that one night in Vegas are just a thumb tap away, their lives playing out in an endless soap opera of status updates, selfies, Snapchats, and Tweets. The ways we interact with each other have changed forever. But our desire for human connection remains the same.

In Unfriending My Ex, Kim Stolz shares her stories from the front lines of our emoji-laden, filter-heavy, ultra-connected world, capturing the hilarity and chaos of life both online and off. Whether you've spent two hours clicking through a semi-stranger's vacation pictures or accidentally swiped right on a former flame, Kim Stolz is here to tell you you're not alone, you're not crazy, and she'd like a few of those french fries that you Instagrammed at dinner. Smart, honest, and always relatable, Unfriending My Ex is a must read for anyone who likes to hold a book in one hand and their phone in the other.

Reviewed by Joséphine on

4 of 5 stars

Initial thoughts: Much more informative than I expected, considering this book is a memoir. Thought it'd be filled with relatable anecdotes and stop there. Kim Stolz went beyond that and included research that might explain her observations.

Speaking of the author, I had no idea she took part in ANTM and was an MTV VJ. I picked up this book because the "social media addict" caught my attention in the subtitle. Figured it'd be relatable as well as an entertaining read. It definitely was both.

Although the title is "Unfriending My Ex", that only takes up one chapter. Personally, I was glad for that because this means the other chapters are dedicated to how we relate to social media, and how it affects our relationships to family, relatives, friends too.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 5 May, 2017: Reviewed