A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft

A Far Wilder Magic

by Allison Saft

"An utterly transportive read, unfolding into a world of crumbling manors and ancient forests. Allison Saft crafts a deliberate, intricate romance that will have you as unmoored as the characters." - Chloe Gong, New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights

A romantic YA fantasy perfect for fans of Erin A. Craig and Margaret Rogerson, about two people who find themselves competing for glory - and each other's hearts – in a magical fox hunt.

When Margaret Welty spots the legendary hala, the last living mythical creature, she knows the Halfmoon Hunt will soon follow. Whoever is able to kill...

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Reviewed by ambiancereads on

3 of 5 stars

Thank you so much to the publisher and to NetGalley for this arc.

Super excited to get my hands on this one. And quite frankly I’m torn about this one.

In a way, it’s a bit like historical fantasy. It’s set against the backdrop of religious persecution and politics.

Maggie Welty is a child of a famed alchemist whose been abandoned by her mother. She’s stuck taking care of the worn down manor when she meets Weston Winters. Winters is desperate for an alchemist apprenticeship to help his family. So he makes a deal with Maggie to participate in the hunt for the wild Hala.

It’s a slow burn romance the kind that makes you scream “GET IT TOGETHER! KISS HER”. It’s also full of magic. The struggles each of the characters have really make the story. Their different family dynamics and the way they’ve handled their struggles is great. It’s definitely very teenage angsty.

I think I struggled with the historical aspect of it. And the religious side of it as well. I’m not entirely sure I enjoyed it. But I loved the concept of the hunt that kept me reading. And the writing I found was beautiful. Saft creates such a eerie setting and I found myself rooting for the two characters through it all.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 March, 2022: Finished reading
  • 5 March, 2022: Reviewed