Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

3 of 5 stars

Ironically, this one suffered because I just read Joanna Chambers’s first three books in this series. She set the bar high and, while this book is good, it didn’t resonate with me the way those three did. It’s also a case of misaligned expectations, because Sinclair in Beguiled seemed like my favorite kind of character— delightfully hedonistic, with unexpected depth beneath a cheeky exterior— and here he was all broody and Tormented By Love. We’re told more about his charm than we’re shown it. We’re told more about lots of things, their friendship included, than we’re shown it.

David’s limited POV works so well in the first three because you have to fill in some gaps; here, it’s all spelled out explicitly, and often repeatedly, which left me wanting. Given more space to develop, and a more focused POV, this could reach the bar set by David and Balfour. Less cheese and more meat, I guess I’m saying, to be cheeky myself… if that even makes sense.

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  • 7 January, 2020: Reviewed