Reviewed by Joséphine on

3 of 5 stars

Initial thoughts: This book consists of 28 blogging rules to helps bloggers succeed. Each rule is accompanied by an importance rating from low to high, explaining when or why these rules could or might be broken. This is followed by anecdotes from selected bloggers. The organisation was very clear and it's evident that a lot of thought went into presenting these tips. If you're new to blogging or used to blog on a personal diary-type basis but want to start reaching out to an audience, The Golden Rules of Blogging is a helpful starting point.

However, in the introduction Houghton claimed that these rules would be useful to not only new bloggers but seasoned ones as well. I've blogged nearly three years in my niche, so I'd consider myself fairly seasoned. None of those rules were new to me. Some of the rules offered some thoughts behind the importance of them, which I appreciated because at least it helped me evaluate a little about where I stand as blogger. Beyond that, the annex with links to resources pointed me to more in-depth information.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 5 May, 2016: Reviewed