Last Dance by Linda Joy Singleton

Last Dance (Seer, #2)

by Linda Joy Singleton

Determined to save her grandmother from a hereditary illness, Sabine goes to visit a distant relative who may have clues to the whereabouts of a mysterious remedy book. But there's someone else clamoring for Sabine's attention: a fifty-year-old ghost named Chloe who's been appearing in her dreams. Despite death threats and missing the school dance, Sabine must use her psychic skills to solve the mystery surrounding Chloe's untimely demise and lay her soul to rest.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

This is the second book of the series, and while it's still getting it's bearrings it's still a very good book and series. I love Young Adult because it isn't so much about the sexual appeal of the story, it's about the adventure and the longing for adult love that makes young adult series so appealing. And when you throw in a supernatural aspect to it, it just makes it so much more intriguing.

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  • 1 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2014: Reviewed