Linda Joy Singleton the author of over 50 middle-grade, YA and picture books about magic, animals, psychics, mermaids, aliens, cheerleaders, clones, and ghosts. Her middle-grade series, CURIOUS CAT SPY CLUB, was inspired by a club she had with her childhood best friend. Her picture books include SNOW DOG, SAND DOG, CASH KAT, A CAT IS BETTER, LUCY LOVES GOOSEY & CRANE AND CRANE, and upcoming SUN AND SON (Amicus 2022).She is a long-time member of SCBWI and Sisters In Crime. She's also a reporter for the fabulous Cynsations blog and offers advice to writers through Creative Kidlit Consultations. She loves sharing her love for books, and is a frequent presenter at schools, libraries, and writing conferences. She and her husband David live in the country in Northern California where they're surrounded by horses, peacocks, dogs, pigs, and very demanding cats. More information