Feelings by Manjit Thapp


by Manjit Thapp

A stunning illustrated journey through one young woman’s year of feelings—from the saturated highs of early summer to the gray isolation of late winter.
Feelings is a visual and emotional treat, full of gorgeous artwork and soothing insight.”—Mari Andrew, New York Times bestselling author of Am I There Yet? 

Enter Manjit Thapp’s Feelings, where you’ll find moods that change as quickly as the weather; the different shades of anxiety and hope that each new season brings; and the stages of joy and pain that fuel our growth. From the spark of possibility and jolt of creativity in High Summer, to the need for release from anxiety and pressure during Monsoon, to the desolation and numbness of Winter, Feelings implores us to consider the seasons of our own emotional journeys.

Articulating and validating the range of feelings we all experience, this is a book that allows us to feel connected and comforted by the experiences that make us human.

Reviewed by Joséphine on

4 of 5 stars

Initial thoughts: This book truly is about feeling the feelings. There isn’t much of a narrative beyond the observations of seasons, emotions and the resultant introspection. The words chosen are very precise though, and serve to hold up a mirror to the reader’s own emotions in response to those of the author. What makes this book remarkable are the beautifully evocative illustrations.

I listened to a preview of the audiobook after finishing the ebook, and found that a myriad of background sounds are included to make up for the lack of images. I imagine that flipping through the illustrations while listening to the audiobook would give rise to a very immersive experience.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 October, 2021: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2021: Reviewed