Battle Royale: Remastered by Koushun Takami

Battle Royale: Remastered (Battle Royale)

by Koushun Takami

Battle Royale is a high-octane thriller about senseless youth violence, and one of Japan's bestselling - and most controversial - novels. As part of a ruthless program by the totalitarian government, a group of high school students are taken to a small isolated island with a map, food, and various weapons. Forced to wear special collars that explode when thy break a rule, they must fight each other for three days until only one remains.

Reviewed by Mercy on

4 of 5 stars

Dios de mi vida. Este libro me ha dejado vacía D:


Battle Royale es una novela desgarradora, enigmática, impredecible, cruda y adictiva, que con un planteamiento bastante macabro, nos lleva a presenciar uno de las consecuencias de los más grandes horrores sociales, como pienso que es el totalitarismo. Una novela para sufrir junto con los personajes, para pensar en como morirá el siguiente... y sorprendernos. Una novela para pensar en nuestros derechos y que vale la pena luchar por ellos.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 January, 2014: Reviewed