Reviewed by Joséphine on

3 of 5 stars

Actual rating: 3.5 stars

Initial thoughts: If you're looking for a happy book, Backlash isn't it. It deals with the aftermath of a girl's suicide attempt in the face of cyberbullying. No matter how you look at it, it's a tough topic to grapple with, and Backlash doesn't make it any easier to swallow in conjunction with that girl's history of depression.

On the surface, a lot of what happens in the book seems unrealistic because it's hard to believe that people can be so cruel, especially towards others they know. Even more messed up, is that the mother of the instigator joined in — someone in a position of responsibility! Sadly, reading the news reminds us everyday that these people do exist in the world. On that front, Backlash is a cautionary tale, as the author was indeed inspired by news stories of cyberbullying and the impact it has on the victims, as well as everyone involved.

Backlash definitely gets you thinking and the multiple view points weave a story that tries to reconcile the events and their consequences. They present reasons for why anyone might be driven to certain actions. However, considering the gravity of cyberbullying, I felt remarkably disconnected. I didn't feel any emotional impact, which to me, reduced the strength of the book.

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  • 20 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2017: Reviewed