Princess in Love by Meg Cabot

Princess in Love (Princess Diaries, #3)

by Meg Cabot

In a series of humorous diary entries, a New York City ninth grader agonizes over her love life, final exams, and future role as the princess of Genovia.

Reviewed by Jordon on

2 of 5 stars

This series will continue being cute I'm sure. I love the writing style and Mia's voice is witty and entertaining. She sounds just like a 14 year old would in a diary, although you know, she writes a helluva-lot in her diary. I mean I don't even know how she would find time to write so often and so much. Obviously a slight hitch in this series. But I'm not complaining. This series is entertaining.

In this book her age shines, as I read I usually forget she's only 14 but in this book it was plain obvious. Obviously because of the way she handles Kenny. Which was super annoying. And then that made me realise just how old Michael is. If he's going to college and only a year early at that, that means he's 17 (I think? I don't live in America so I'm not 100% sure what age people start college (We call in university and it's usually 18 here in NZ)). It's only a three year gap but at the same time it feels like a lot. It's weird though because if Mia were 15 and he was 18 I don't think I would feel weird about this. It's probably because 14 just seems so young.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 6 January, 2014: Reviewed