Member since Oct 26, 2020
Books Read
Read in 2025
Average Rating
City of Dragons (The Rain Wild Chronicles, #3) by Robin Hobb
Dragon Haven (The Rain Wild Chronicles, #2) by Robin Hobb
So Close to You (So Close to You Trilogy) by Rachel Carter
Fool's Quest (Fitz and the Fool, #2) by Robin Hobb
Psion (Orbit Books) (Cat, 1 OF 3) by Joan D Vinge
Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie
The Undesirable by Sara Celi
Poison Fruit (Agent of Hel, #3) by Jacqueline Carey
Saints Astray (Santa Olivia, #2) by Jacqueline Carey
Drake's Quest by Pat Croce and Adam Slutsky
Santa Olivia (Santa Olivia, #1) by Jacqueline Carey
Autumn Bones (Agent of Hel, #2) by Jacqueline Carey
Dark Currents (Agent of Hel, #1) by Jacqueline Carey
Reunited by Hilary Weisman Graham
Catspaw (Cat, #2) by Joan D Vinge
Dreamsnake (VGSF classics) by Vonda N. McIntyre
Dreamfall (Cat, 3 OF 3) by Joan D Vinge
The Miracle Inspector by Helen Smith
Last Days by Adam Nevill
Black Dog (Black Dog, #1) by Rachel Neumeier
Between (A Book of the Between, #1) by Kerry Schafer
Let the Sky Fall (Sky Fall, #1) by Shannon Messenger
Still Life in Brunswick Stew (Cherry Tucker Mystery, #2) by Larissa Reinhart
Where Angels Rest (The Mann Family) by Kate Brady