Written on Mar 1, 2015
After sitting oh so long on my shelf, the bright yellow beacon dimmed as it went unread. I needed something light so bus changes and interruptions wouldn't interfere and would cheer me up on my long commutes to work.
Reunited worked beautifully for what I wanted. It's a chick flick in written form, like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and The Princess Diaries on a road trip. It's fun, adventurous, and dramatically aimed at your heartstrings.
I never thought of the shifting dynamics between a group of three best friends. I've never been part of a trio and in the media I've been exposed to, it's usually a 2:1 gender ratio with romance involved.
Throughout the story, there's building tension and mystery surrounding what separated these girls in the first place. Given how hyped it was, how destroyed they were by it about halfway through I started imaging some Carrie prom scene type event.
Instead, I was met with disappointment. The reveal was anticlimactic and the only reason the entire book didn't tank afterwords was because of the setting where they dropped the truth bomb.
Even after the melodramatic middle school reveal, I was determined to discover how it turned out because they were so close to the concert. There was a brief, beautiful moment where I'd happily have it end, just as their concert quest comes to a close. It felt meaningful and hopeful when all had gone wrong previously.
Instead, beshert comes to rescue. I understand why. I don't think it's bad how it ended, it just left me at the end of my rope with an open chasm beneath me. There was admittedly some eyerolling yet it make me awww too. A fangirl's dream come true. But left me feeling “meh”.
Beshert is layered on so thick it practically drips off the pages. Rather than drawing me in, I felt pushed out because I couldn't fully suspend my disbelief of such instances. But if you believe or can suspend your disbelief so far into the horizon, Reunited will be perfect.
As they travel along, it's not just the hidden backstory that gets pumped up. Increasingly preposterous obstacles are thrown their way. Okay, so getting lost and running out of gas is perfectly ordinary but the way it unfolded, escalated and resolved began to wear thin.
I love switching perspectives. It's such a great window into characters. The little details, insights and different ways we see the same thing fascinate me. Reunited did it very well and it's one of the things that kept driving me to finish quickly.
I'm glad for the girl's progression along the way, especially Alice learning her lesson but it's the start of a dream come true that's abruptly severed to make a point. and I hate being left in the dark. If you're going to go for the fantasy, might as well go for the gold.
3.5 stars for being entertaining. the perspective switching, and drama.