Alexander Technique

by Richard Brennan

Published 18 July 1991
Today people often accept common ailments such as backache, headache, arthritis, depression and nervous tension as being "normal". We may readily believe the discomfort we suffer is a natural consequence of "wear and tear", and not realise that we can do something positive about it. In fact, many common ailments stem from stress and a range of muscular tensions caused by bad posture or poor body co-ordination - which can increase as we grow older. Rather than being a natural part of the ageing process, these tensions, if unchecked, can accelerate it and can develop into illness and even cause deformity. The Alexander Technique is a simple method of regaining the natural grace and balance of a child and of discovering easier and more efficient ways of movement. In this step-by-step guide, the author outlines the Alexander Technique, and, by means of a series of simple exercises and procedures, shows how the technique can help the reader to achieve a healthier and more balanced life.