This volume aims to help you overcome the damaging effects of stress, by following a carefully designed seven-point plan. It shows how to recognise the signs and identify the causes of stress, develop self-esteem, plan a nutritious diet, take exercise and learn to relax, explore alternative therapies and discover how to organise your life more efficiently to avoid the feeling of being under pressure all the time. Each stage of the plan combines information with a practical approach to the problems of stress, including a mixture of "quick fix" solutions and long term strategies.

Being pregnant is a time of anticipation and optimism and fear, insecurity and self doubt. While the link between nature and motherhood is deemed to be obvious and there is the common assumption that women switch instinctively to pregnancy and mothering, this book faces the fact that the majority of expectant and new mothers encounter many difficulties adjusting to pregnancy and their new responsibilities. This is a practical, sympathetic and honest guide to having a baby full of factual and anecdotal evidence for expectant parents. With coverage from conception and early pregnancy through to labour and birth, and containing up-to-date information in the fields of pregnancy and child care it provides accurate and balanced advice to help potential parents make their own choices. Case studies also help demystify what really happens to your body - from morning sickness and wind to eating everything in sight. It contains a balanced approach to conventional and complementary medicine, comprehensive pregnancy diary and family health reference from Good Housekeeping. The essential guide to pregnancy covering conception and early pregnancy through to labour and birth.
A practical, sympathetic and honest book packed with accurate and balanced advice - enabling potential parents to make their own choices.