For the Sake of Love

by Denise Robins

Published 1 February 1985

Carol leads a charmed life, adored by all who know her, but her glamorous, carefree world shatters around her when her fiance is reported killed. Yet once jolted from her grief by a confession which questions Maurice's fidelity, she abruptly flings herself into a new, more alluring life.

For cousin Judy, cast out from the family for her great betrayal, the path is not so clear. Conceived in loyalty, the outcome of her plans unleashes a train of events far removed from her aim, but exposes a truth quite faithful to her desire.

The Marriage Bond

by Denise Robins

Published 1 October 1985

Beautiful, rich and impulsive, Gay Northiam's life is a fun filled whirl of
dinners and dances. Captivated by her vivacious charm and exquisite
looks, a flock of eligible and handsome suitors leave her with few blank
pages in her engagement diary.

Dick Morton, a young doctor, is just one of many smitten admirers. But
Gay is not yet ready to fall in love not while life is such fun. All this changes,
however, when Gay meets Geoffrey Daunt, a respected and successful
barrister and confirmed bachelor: For the first time ever Gay knows the pain
of unrequited love and, too late, discovers what it is to suffer a broken heart.

Second Best

by Denise Robins

Published 24 March 1975

When Barry Elderton comes back from Ceylon to marry Virginia Brame, it
is to find her the wife of the wealthy Sir Ian Kingleigh. So Barry turns
to Virginia's cousin Joan for consolation. But she, loving Barry as much
as he loved Virginia, knows that for him she is only 'second best'. Can
she ever be first in his affections?

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1931, and available now for the first time
in eBook.

Let Me Love

by Denise Robins

Published 1 November 1979
A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance, first published in 1942, and available now for the first time in eBook.

Once is Enough

by Denise Robins

Published 1 November 1974

Sylvia Penhurst is forced to bear the burden of her unhappy marriage,
her ardent temperament subdued by her husband's cold unfeeling
behaviour. Then suddenly to her yearning, caged heart comes love, love
of the kind her husband cannot or will not give.

The temptation to surrender to her passionate nature is too much but her
happiness is short lived. For Sylvia has a small daughter and she
realizes too late that in reaching out for a moment's happiness she has
destroyed a child's world.

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1953, and available now for the first time
in eBook.

It Wasn't Love

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1976

Lois had been warned about shipboard romances, but felt herself quite immune as she set out to visit her brother in Singapore.

But Philip Sanpell seemed to be something quite different. His stunning good looks and passionate kisses made her throw caution to the wind, and before the end of the voyage her heart was irretrievably lost.

But it wasn't long before she remembered those warnings and, with bitter regret, her own heedlessness...

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance, first published in 1930, and available now for the first time in eBook.

Loving and Giving

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1976

Friday's child is loving and giving. Juliet had devoted her life to the care
of crippled and deprived children. But when she left London to work in the
South of France, the phrase was to take on a deeper meaning. For Julia's
new life was to bring her too much love, and too much pain, when she fell
in love with a man who belonged to someone else.

Juliet had always thought of love as a sacred bond and of marriage as an
oath she would never break -- and she promised herself she would never
love a married man. That was until she met Lucien de Maureville -- a gentle
husband betrayed by a faithless wife and a lonely, tormented man caught
between Juliet's budding love and a promise she hoped never to break.

Strange Meeting

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1977

When Clare Farramond goes to the historic home of Sir Stephen
Finch-Boyes, there to act as a tutor to his young daughter, Isabel, it
is with sadness in her heart.

For still alive within her is the memory of Michael - the man who had
been her whole world - the man who had sworn her his undying love. The
man who had betrayed her.

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1952, and available now for the first time
in eBook.

The Secret Hour

by Denise Robins

Published 1 February 1976

Just a week before her marriage to Gordon Veriland, Evelyn meets and
falls in love with Shane Cargill. But Evelyn is trapped, for Gordon has
the power to put her father in prison for fraud. She knows that the
wedding must take place.

But Evelyn's marriage proves a hollow thing and she still hopes that one
day she will be united with Shane.

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1932, and available now for the first time
in eBook.

Laurence, My Love

by Denise Robins

Published 1 September 1978

Masquerade of Love

by Denise Robins

Published 1 April 1985

Wild Bird

by Denise Robins

Published 1 January 1974
A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance, first published in 1931 and now available for the first time in eBook.

Passionate Flame

by Denise Robins

Published 1 December 1974

When Peril Grant went to Rhodesia to live with her only remaining
relative, Amy Johnson, a permanent invalid, she had visions of it as a
golden land of rolling plains, the finest countryside in the world. The
heart-break, passion and tragedy that followed were nightmares she had
never dreamed could never happen anywhere on earth. And when she awoke,
there was David...

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1928, and available now for the first time
in eBook.

Shatter the Sky

by Denise Robins

Published January 1969

On the eve of her wedding, Karey Marsden's fiance is killed, and her world seems to come to an abrupt end.

Bereft with grief, she is comforted by her father's friend, Dr Ralph Chesney. Some months later, she accepts his proposal of marriage, even though she does not love him, believing that for her love will always be just a sad memory.

But soon after the wedding, Karey finds herself irresistibly drawn to Dickon Farringham, her dead fiance's double. And then she has to face up to an agonizing choice between her duty to a husband she can never love, and her passion for a man she loves too well.

The Crash

by Denise Robins

Published March 1979

When both her father and mother pass away within a few months of each
other, Clem Wright suddenly finds herself all alone in the world without
a real friend to turn to.

She takes a job, becoming personal assistant to the brilliant osteopath,
Charles Maddison - and soon her troubles are forgotten as she finds
herself swept away in a fountain of bliss. For three wonderful months
she is wined and dined by her charming superior, and nothing seems
impossible; so the news, when she hears it, is just too much.

Charles is getting married - to a beautiful model girl he met while
holidaying abroad. It seems like the end of everything for poor Clem:
can life really be so cruel?

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1966 and now available for the first time in

Wait for Tomorrow

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1975
Until the moment Charlotte discovered the letters hidden behind the broken mirror, nothing really extraordinary had ever happened to her. She was, she always throught, an attractive, secure , happy young girl with no doubts about her place in the world, no fear of the future. But the letters changed all that. Suddenly she was faced with a past she never knew existed. Her past. And like some strange, unwelcome shadow in the night, it threatened everything she held dear.

The Cyprus Love Affair

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1985

A sweeping sun-drenched love story from the original Queen of Romance first published in 1969 and now available for the first time in eBook.

When pretty young Lucie Gresham takes a job as companion to the mother of rich shipping magnate Adrian Ollivent she also realises her long-held wish to visit the beautiful island of Cyprus.

Lucie finds the island as enchanting as she had hoped and Mrs Ollivent a pleasant and kindly old lady but also finds herself falling in love with Adrian. He is not a happy man and displays little affection towards her so Lucie determines to discover what has made him this way. She finds much pain and unhappiness has to be endured before the complete truth is finally exposed.

Boundary Line

by Denise Robins

Published 1 July 1984

Terry Manstone is a vivacious young girl indulging her passion for the country in a hiking tour, when a badly sprained ankle leaves her as unexpected in Dr. Blaise Farlong's house and victim of his wife's evil scheming. In the months that follow, this slight young girl and the frail doctor pursued by a hypocritical and hostile society can draw comfort only from one another, until the wicked plot is finally revealed.

Fever of Love

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1976

An enthralling story from the 100-million-copy
bestselling Queen of Romance, first published in 1950 and now available in
eBook for the first time.
Verona meets Stephen in Paris as a
fellow student, he is the most brilliant young artist in London, and she loves
him madly. His portrait of her is magnificent, capturing her large, lustrous
eyes and creamy skin. Though their love is true, Verona refuses to be Stephen's
mistress and leaves him in order to marry a young army officer. She tries to be
happy, but soon she finds herself longing for the bohemian life of her former
days, and, when her husband is stationed in Egypt, begins to wonder what would
happen if, just by chance, she should run into Stephen again...

Sweet Love

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1986

Enchanting Tanya Massison is the toast of Bohemian Chelsea.
An artists' model and exquisite dancer, she is vivacious, alluring -
and a breaker of men's hearts. Life is for living, and Tanya lives
every minute to the full, without a care in the world.

All this changes, however, when Cecil Lemsford, a married man,
kills himself for love, and Tanya meets Gordon Hays. For the first
time ever she falls deeply, irrevocably in love. But their happiness
is short-lived, as a tragic coincidence transforms passion into
anger and despair...