Arrow in the Heart

by Denise Robins

Published 12 January 1973

When a girl is in love with a man and her love is not returned life can be very miserable. When that man loves another the pressures on the girl can be well-nigh unbearable.

This is the unfortunate position of Lucie Reed young Matron at a boy's private school. She is passionately in love with one of the masters whilst he is apparently in love with the headmaster's daughter.

A delightful tale of heart-ache and humour.

The Other Side of Love

by Denise Robins

Published 22 January 1973

Even after several years of marriage Nira is still very much in love with her husband Des. She has two lovely children, a husband who adores her and a beautiful home.

But her happiness is shattered as she discovers that her husband is incapable of fidelity.

Struggling through a terrible time that is like a living nightmare, Nira fights her way through the darkness. Will she be able to embrace the bright hope of a happy future that is the other side of love?

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance, first published in 1973, and available now for the first time in eBook.

Never Look Back

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1977

When Brett Morgan walks out on her, Penny Winn feels her broken heart will never recover. But the Second World War takes her to the Mediterranean where she meets Wing-Commander Timothy Curtis and becomes his wife.

Everyone believes Tim Curtis is on his death-bed, but he unexpectedly recovers. Then Penny's old flame Brett Morgan reappears in her life. Isn't that always typical of men?

Penny must face her dilemma: stay faithful to her invalid husband, or return to her true love?

The Inevitable End

by Denise Robins

Published 1 September 1986

Billie Carden is one of the new breed of women: tomboyish and defiantly
independent, she has no use for men and no desire to marry. Nor does she
need to - for she is the lucky heiress to the fortune of her American
Uncle Silas.

But Billie's life takes a whole new direction when two events - at first
unconnected - conspire to thwart her plans; an encounter with the
impoverished Richard Bromley, and a dramatic ultimatum from her uncle.

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1927, and available now for the first time
in eBook.

White Jade

by Denise Robins

Published 1 February 1986

Patricia Moreland has always longed to go China, to experience at first hand the exotic, mysterious Orient. When her old friend Sheila Mason suggests that she accompany her on a trip to Shang Tao, Pat is delighted. Little does she suspect what China has in store for her.
Within days of her arrival Pat spots Gavin Stewart, one of the many men who had wanted to marry her - and whom she had treated so heartlessly - back in England. To Pat's dismay Gavin refuses to acknowledge her. Yet this rebuff is as nothing compared to the dangerous lasciviousness of Chai Yin, a man who will stip at nothing to gain possession of the beautiful English girl.

Nightingale's Song

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1976

It all happens so fast... Celia's long lost father appears and announces that he is a millionaire. Now, in his last days, he wants to share his life, and his wealth with his only kin - his daughter.

Celia is taken from her drab London flat to her father's fabulous villa in Monte Carlo. There she meets Philippe, the dashingly handsome Frenchman who sweeps her into a confusion of fiery passion. And Geoffrey, the solid good-looking Englishman whose love for her is quiet and dependable.

Then, suddenly, her father dies - and Celia is a millionairess. Now the ugly question nags at her heart: does the man she desperately loves want her for herself - or for her money?

All For You

by Denise Robins

Published 1 May 1974

It had been one of those short wartime engagements. Darley had been called up just two hours after the wedding and since then Finella had spent five long years alone.

During those lonely years Finella had grown up, become more independent – and met Gilfred Bryte. Now that her husband was coming home again, she knew that she must choose between the two men. Was it strong, self-confident Gil she loved, or the gentle husband she had almost forgotten?

The Unlit Fire

by Denise Robins

Published 30 July 1982
Andra Lee is a promising young actress and her film career seems guaranteed. But her fiancé, determined that their future together lies in South Africa, has other plans. She is prepared to comply until a vivid nightmare shatters her resolve. And as she sails towards South Africa, thinking only of the world she is leaving behind, the disturbing figure of her dreams comes into her life.

You Have Chosen

by Denise Robins

Published 12 February 1972
Toni Kenyon was young and pretty and passionately fond of all that life had to offer, but at this particular moment it seemed to offer nothing but unhappiness. For her best friend Helena had become engaged to the most wonderful man Toni had ever met. Nicholas Brendon; but Toni knew she was marrying him not for love, but for his money. For Toni, this was a heartbreaking situation and one which could only be overcome through much misery and unhappiness - but then, the path of true love was never an easy one, as Toni was to discover..


by Denise Robins

Published 1 September 1987

Nicola Boyd had everything a young woman could possibly ask for. She had beauty,
charm - and she was a capable business woman in charge of a thriving beauty salon.

But best of all, she was loved by Denis Avon, the dashing young actor who was the
heart-throb of every girl in the neighbourhood. In the heady whirl of a tempestuous
courtship, who could blame her for being swept off her feet - for planning to marry a
man she'd known for only a few weeks...?

Would her fiance find out what the best man already knew?

Would she stand at the altar - between two lovers?

While in Rome, young Cressida fell madly in love with Dominic, a handsome
carefree artist. Though she knew his reputation, she thought their love affair
would be different--right up until the day he disappeared.

Now she had Sam, a kind man who offered her a new love--one that could make
her forget Dominic. But a week before the wedding, Dominic suddenly showed up
--as Sam's best man! The vision of standing at the altar, between two lovers, was
too much to bear. And she knew the wild Dominic would never allow her to belong
to another man.

Stranger Than Fiction

by Denise Robins

Published February 1965

The autobiography of Denise Robins, the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance, first published in 1965, and available now for the first time in eBook.

Apart from writing over two hundred novels which have sold over one hundred million copies worldwide, Denise Robins led a remarkable life. Love and romance were always dominant influences and were reflected not only in her work but in her attitude to life. All the warmth, compassion and deep understanding of the frailty if the human heart that shine through her novels, can be seen here in her autobiography. It is a story that will captivate her huge audience of readers.

Love and Desire and Hate

by Denise Robins

Published February 1969

Fran and Rod Gifford's marriage is drifting slowly but surely towards the
rocks since the death of their baby daughter. Their disagreements - once
settled with love and understanding-are flaring into mayor quarrels. And
their sensitive schoolboy son Peter was conscious of the rift between them.

Then Rodney fell desperately in love with Perdita, a brilliant and beautiful
young science student who was as cool and analytical over her passion as
she was with the computer she worked. She believes Rod is seeing another
woman and the discovery of their affair came as a final blow to Fran. She
determined she would fight back if not for her own sake, for Peter's, a divorce
would shatter her son. She is caught in a terrible trap. Should she go on
pretending that the man she loves in still hers-or will the love turn to hate and
destroy them all?


by Denise Robins

Published 8 March 1971

Two young lovers seeking the atmosphere of peace and tranquillity they were never able to find in London emerge from a car in a sunlit Provencal town square. It is an idyllic setting for a passionately romantic interlude, but the dazzling light and contrasting deep shadows echoed the patter of their own life, for Nat is a brilliant young surgeon with a professional reputation to uphold and Toni is married to a vindictive business tycoon.


by Denise Robins

Published 1 March 1981

The wickedest woman who ever loved.

Sensual... corrupt... that was the court of Renaissance Italy. And that, too, was Lucrezia Borgia - a woman of infinite guile and indiscriminate passion, whose affairs led her from page boy to prince... and to a reputation called shocking even in a land not easily shocked.

Yet no matter how often she strayed, Lucrezia remained faithful - in her special fashion - to the one man she had sworn would be hers.

A gripping historical romance from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance, first published in 1953, and available now for the first time in eBook.

Sweet Cassandra

by Denise Robins

Published 5 October 1970

Would he ever marry her?

Cassandra's happy homelife vanished with her mother's remarriage
to a man Cass called the "General." He was an overbearing tyrant,
used to his own way, who considered Cass a nuisance. Yet he did
not hesitate to pass judgement on her boyfriends--and he absolutely
forbid her to marry Kevin Martin. And her timid mother agreed with him.

Leaving home would cut her off completely from her mother. But her love
was too strong and Cass moved out, expecting to become Mrs. Kevin Martin.

But then an accident postponed the marriage and Cass was left in limbo.
She couldn't go back home, but neither could she live in sin...

A Love Like Ours

by Denise Robins

Published October 1969

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance, available now for the first time in eBook.

A fleeting moment--is that all she meant to Prince Dominic of Montracine?
Catherine Leigh-Holmes was just someone who danced one dance in his
arms, just one of the many girls he'd known. Or had he lost himself in the
sea of her deep green eyes. She only knew her love was desparate. And
perhaps hopeless.

If Dominic loved her in return, it might mean despair for them both. She was
just the green-eyed daughter of an old friend--but he was the world's most
eligible bachelor.

Strange Rapture

by Denise Robins

Published 12 March 1973

Springtime in Venice, romantic, enchanted city of dreams where anything
can happen. Sara is too young, too full of love and life to want the
magic to pass her by. She would give anything to be out there by the
glittering water, floating in a gondola through golden Venetian
afternoons and moonlit evenings with the man of her dreams.

But the man she loves has never noticed Sara. Nicholas Pelham is too
bust flirting with her employer, the exquisitely beautiful Olive. Until
the night that all that changes and Sara's dreams come true.

But dreams of love can crumble and turn to dust...

A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of
Romance, first published in 1932, and available now for the first time
in eBook.

Snow Must Return

by Denise Robins

Published 31 January 1972

The Chateau de Lurmines is a glorious new home for Dana Chesney, a pretty young convalescent who might never leave her wheelchair. For Steve it provides a luxurious background to her taxing job as Dana's companion, while prolonging her own stay in Switzerland. For Greville Chesney the presence of his daughter and her quiet friend in its flower-filled rooms helps fill an aching void.

But an heiress, and in such a setting, is an irresistible attraction to any footloose adventurer who could charm her with his good looks and while away the tedious hours with dreams of romance ...