Secrets of Porn Star Sex

by Marcelle Perks

Published 1 January 2007
Good sex isn't the exclusive plaything of supermodels, porn stars and Oscar-winning actresses, although you'd be forgiven for thinking so when you look at the book shelves. We're all looking for 'it' and this series is designed to help everyone to discover the sizzling side to their sexuality. "The 52 Brilliant Little Ideas for Sizzling Sex" series has something for everyone - now get out there and enjoy yourself!

Erotic Fantasies

by Sandie Tifinie

Published 1 January 2006
Allegedly men think about sex once every few minutes, and women think about it far more than they'll how about harnessing those sexy thoughts and using them to brighten up your sex life? You don't have to be an Oscar winner to bring your fantasies to life and turn in a performance that will make your partner swoon. All it takes is creativity, and adventurous spirit and a willingness to try anything once. Use the tips in this book to discover: why your brain is your most important erogenous zone; sexy surprises your partner will love; how to get your lover to act out your fantasy with you; tried and tested role plays to spice up your sex life; and, how to use shared fantasies to make you feel sexy all day long. Whether you're single, in a new relationship or you've been together for years there will be something in Erotic fantasies to spark your imagination and help you discover the sexual pleasures you dream about.

Good sex isn't the exclusive plaything of supermodels, porn stars and Oscar-winning actresses, although you'd be forgiven for thinking so when you look at the book shelves. We're all looking for 'it' and this series is designed to help everyone to discover the sizzling side to their sexuality. The "52 Brilliant Little Ideas for Sizzling Sex" series has something for everyone - now get out there and enjoy yourself!

The Little Book of Big OS

by Marcelle Perks

Published 19 January 2007
Good sex isn't the exclusive plaything of supermodels, porn stars and Oscar-winning actresses, although you'd be forgiven for thinking so whenyou look at the book shelves. We're all looking for 'it' and this series is designed to help everyone to discover the sizzling side to their sexuality. "The 52 Brilliant Little Ideas for Sizzling Sex" series has something for everyone - now get out there and enjoy yourself!

The "User's Guide to the Rabbit" is the first DIY guide of its kind on the sex toy that's taking the world by storm. The "User's Guide to the Rabbit" is the definitive guide to getting the most out of your favourite toy, with tips and techniques on choosing the best vibrator for your needs, how to introduce the toy into your sex life and rediscovering your erotic boundaries, as well as hints for the more adventurous user. Erotic fiction writer and expert on all things sexual, Marcelle Perks really tests the limits of this best-selling product and provides all the advice and inspiration you need to take the bunny out of its box and spice up your sex life for good.

Incredible Sex

by Marcelle Perks and Elisabeth Wilson

Published 20 October 2006
Millions of us want to lose weight, find romance, look like models, kick start our careers and ditch the stress...and still have time for great sex. And when we do there's tons of advice out there to help us, a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes. Who's got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish? What we need is failsafe short cuts to health, beauty, fitness and success. Six brilliant new little books from "Infinite Ideas" cut straight to the heart of the issue. "Brilliant Little Ideas" are compact, fun to read and fantastic value. We have selected the very best ideas from our database of inspiring ideas and stripped them down to the absolute essentials.

Recapture Your Bounce

by Elisabeth Wilson

Published 27 July 2009
Millions of us want to improve our energy levels and regain our get-up and go, and there's tons of advice out there to help us; a non-stop stream of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes. But who's got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish? What we need are failsafe short cuts to stop us feeling tired all the time so we can get the most out of life. "Recapture Your Bounce" is the indispensable guide to turning your energy deficit into a zest for life that's reflected in your outlook on life and in your health. Packed with down-to-earth, simple and effective advice, "Recapture Your Bounce" will help readers work out why they are so tired and devise the perfect plan to turn things around. We have selected the very best ideas from our database and stripped them down to the absolute essentials to create the "52 Brilliant Little Ideas" series. "Recapture Your Bounce" is compact, inspiring to read and fantastic value. It is simply brilliant.

After the end of a relationship it's time to get out of the rut and start again. There's tons of advice out there to help us; a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes. But who's got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish? What we need are failsafe short cuts for feeling better, getting back into the dating game and being happy. "After the Break-up" is the indispensable guide to taking control of our lives and making the things we want happen. Packed with down-to-earth, simple and effective advice, "After the Break-up" will help readers pick themselves, up, dust themselves off and set out on the road to love once more. We have selected the very best ideas from our database and stripped them down to the absolute essentials to create the "52 Brilliant Little Ideas" series. "After the Break-up" is compact, inspiring to read and fantastic value. It is simply brilliant.

Plan Your Dream Wedding

by Lisa Helmanis

Published 22 June 2009
No one wants to turn into Bridezilla. You want your wedding day to be the most magical and memorable day of your life, and there's tons of advice out there; a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes. But who's got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish?What we need are failsafe short cuts for ensuring we look our best, have the perfect ceremony and enjoy the best wedding reception ever. "Plan your Dream Wedding" is the indispensable guide to taking control of the run-away horse that can be wedding planning so we have the day we've always dreamed of. Packed with down-to-earth, simple and effective advice, "Plan your Dream Wedding" will help readers get everything just right for their big day. We have selected the very best ideas from our ever expanding database and stripped them down to the absolute essentials to create the "52 Brilliant Little Ideas" series. "Plan your Dream Wedding" is compact, inspiring to read and fantastic value. It is simply brilliant.