Read about how a team used the model and tools in this book to benchmark their performance against the best of the best. If your organization is preparing for or considering Benchmarking as a quality improvement tool, this book is an invaluable guide. Use it to define your Benchmarking goals, decide whom to benchmark against, gather information, and adapt best-practice ideas and techniques.

The second volume of this guidebook set introduces several additional tools used by individuals and teams during quality improvement efforts. Each tool is explained in simple, easy-to-understand terms. In addition, a variety of practical examples are provided which will help you to immediately apply each tool back on the job.

This guidebook takes a common-sense approach to problem solving and provides practical examples and proven methods which can be applied immediately on the job. A simple, easy-to-use problem-solving process is introduced which is explained in a step-by-step fashion and can be used by individual contributors, middle managers, or top-level executives.