Follow the Link: A Journey Through Technology explores how some of today's greatest inventions came to be - and takes the reader on a journey through a network of knowledge. It tells the story of how we figured out what electricity is and how we learned to use it to communicate with each other. Over the centuries, we have taken the same power that creates a flash of lightning and used it to make Wi-Fi hotspots, power touchscreens, and send video messages. The inspiration behind new ideas is often surprising, always unpredictable and sometimes rather bizarre - discover how an experiment with frogs' legs made people think animals were kept alive by lightning, and other strange and incredible tales of progress.

Follow The Link: A Journey Through Transportation takes the reader on a journey through a network of knowledge down the centuries. It explains how we figured out the way to unlock the materials found in nature and then put them to work to transport us wherever we want to go. Cold rocks were turned into hot metals, invisible forces were picked up by carved stone - and sand and soot were used to make the toughest spacecraft ever.